Las question tags se forman con un verbo auxiliar y el pronombre personal apropiado. Toman el mismo auxiliar que la oración o, si no hay auxiliar, toman do/does (present simple) o did (past simple).
Tras oraciones afirmativas usamos una question tag negativa y tras oraciones negativas usamos una question tag afirmativa. Ejemplos:
He works in the bank, doesn't he?
She couldn't remember his phone number, could she?
Let's - shall we? ---> Let's put some music on, shall we?
Let sb - will/won't you? ---> You'll let me borrow this shirt, won't you?
I have (posesión) - haven't I? ---> He has a blue car, hasn't he?
I have (usado idiomáticamente) - don't I? ---> Last week he had a cold, didn't he?
This/That - isn't it? ---> This restaurant is very cheap, isn't it?
I am - aren't I? ---> I am late, aren't I?
Imperativo negativo - will you? ---> Don't tell anyone, will you?
I am - aren't I? ---> I am late, aren't I?
Imperativo negativo - will you? ---> Don't tell anyone, will you?
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