jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

Reported Speech: Commands, Requests, Suggestions, etc

Usamos un verbo introductorio especial seguido de to-infinitive, -ing form o that-clause, dependiendo del verbos introductorio.

Introductory verb                Direct Speech               Reported Speech
  + to-infinitive
     agree                           "Yes, I'll lend you the         He agreed to lend me
                                         CD."                               the CD.

     *claim                          "I'm working on a top         He claimed to be
                                         secret project."                working on a top se-
                                                                               cret project.

     *demand                       "I want to be served         He demanded to be
                                          immediately."                  served immediately.

     offer                             "Would you like me to       He offered to buy
                                          buy tickets for the           tickets for the
                                          concert?"                        concert.

     *promise                       "I promise I'll call you        He promised to call
                                          as soon as I get home."   me as soon as he got

     refuse                           "No, I won't do what         He refused to do what
                                          she wants."                    she wants.

     *threaten                      "Be quiet or I'll give          He threatened to give
                                          you extra homework."      us extra homework if
                                                                               we weren't quiet.

  + sb + to-infinitive
     advise                          "You should try to get         He advised me to
                                         more exercise."                 try to get more

     allow                           "You can watch the film       He allowed me to
                                         on TV."                            watch the film on TV.

     ask                              "Where do you live?"          He asked me where I

     beg                              "Please, please, you           He begged me to do
                                         have to do something."     something.

     command                      "Put the gun down."          He commanded her to
                                                                               put the gun down.

     encourage                     "You should come to         He encouraged me to
                                          the party."                     go to the party.

     forbid                            "You cannot listen to        He forbade me to
                                          your music at this time    listen to my music at 
                                          of night."                       that time of night.

     invite                            "Will you come to my        He invited me to go
                                          wedding reception?"        to his wedding recep-

     order                             "Do twenty press ups      He ordered me to do
                                          at once!"                        twenty press ups 

     *remind                         "Don't forget to lock the    He reminded me to
                                          door when you leave."       lock the door when 
                                                                                I left.

     *warn                            "Be careful, don't believe  He warned me not to
                                          everything she says."      believe everything she 

  + -ing form
     accuse somebody of        "She told Mary my se-       He accused her of
                                          cret."                              telling his secret to

     *admit to                      "Yes, I dropped the           He admitted to drop-
                                         glass."                             ping/having dropped
                                                                               the glass.

     apologise for                 "I'm sorry I'm late."           He apologised for
                                                                               being late.

     *boast about/for            "I'm an excellent sin-        He boasted of being
                                         ger."                               an excellent singer.

     *complain (to some-       "I feel very hungry."         He complained (to me)
       body) of/about                                                  of feeling very hungry.

     *deny                           "I didn't steal the mo-      He denied stealing/ha-
                                         ney!"                             ving stolen the money.

     *insist on                     "I am going to give you      He insisted on giving
                                         a lift home."                     me a lift home.

     *suggest                      "Why don't we play bad-    He suggested playing
                                         minton tomorrow?."          badminton the next

  + that-clause
     explain                         "It is quicker to take the      He explained that it
                                         train because the traffic     was quicker to take
                                         is bad."                            the train because
                                                                                traffic was bad.

     inform somebody           "The flight has been           He informed us that 
                                         cancelled due to bad          the flight had been
                                         weather."                         cancelled due to bad

*Los verbos marcados con un asterisco también pueden ir seguidos por una that-clause en reported speech.

Nota: para órdenes negativas y peticiones usamos not + to-infinitive.

          Direct: Mum said, "Don't touch the iron, it's hot!"
          Reported: Mum told us not to touch the iron because it was hot.

En conversaciones usamos una mezcla de oraciones, órdenes y preguntas. Cuando lo convertimos en reported speech usamos and, as, adding that, he/she added that, because, but, since, etc. Palabras como oh!, oh dear, well, etc son omitidas en
reported speech.

          Direct: "Oh! That's a nice dress," Cathy said to me, "it suits you 
          Reported: Cathy said that it was a nice dress and added that it     
                          suited me perfectly.